Thursday, 14 November 2024

Delhi AQI Hits Severe Again: Smog, Low Visibility, Closures

Delhii air quality, once again, dips into the ‘severe’ range raising alarm and concern among the residents and even the administration. And as the Delhi AQI in ‘severe’ range again makes news, a thick layer of smog hangs over the city, causing low visibility and threatening certain schools with closure. 

Delhi Pollution 

The recurrent air quality crisis is an unwelcome flashback of the problems relating to pollution that the city has faced in the past, particularly during the winter periods. As the residents are becoming more and more concerned because of the extremely unhealthy situations, the call for both short and long term measures is becoming a matter of utmost importance.

The air quality crisis in Delhi is worsening day by day.

Air quality of Delhi 

Delhi must be worrying once again as the city’s Air Quality Index (AQI) returns to the ‘very poor’ level. That time of the year has come again when various factors such as smoke from industries, vehicular emissions, waste burning, and agricultural waste burning contribute towards summer being very awful. This year is no exception as air quality index levels (AQI) of the national capital region have reached alarming heights forcing the creation of a thick layer of white fog around the capital. With the AQI of Delhi back again to the ‘severe’ range, it is difficult for the residents to breathe and the health personnel have started recognizing the increase in respiratory diseases, especially in women and children, who are the most vulnerable.

The Health Effects of Air Quality Levels Declared ‘Severe’ 

Health effects of air quality 

With the Delhi AQI in the ‘severe’ range once more blanketing the city with smoke, residents are feeling the effects of poor air quality on their health. The deleterious effects of highly polluted air on a person’s health, taking into consideration the duration of exposure, could include respiratory infections, cardiovascular disease and disease among others. Those that belong to certain groups that include children, the elderly, and those who already have health complications, stand a greater risk. With each day that the Delhi AQI remains in the ‘severe’ range, hospitals prepare for an influx of individuals with breathing problems, asthma, and other diseases caused or aggravated by pollution. It is a big picture that most people do not want to see which proves that steps should be taken to strategically minimize the pollution in the air within Delhi.

Beginnings of School Shut Down Observed

School shut down 

The Delhi government is now contemplating shutting down schools due to concerns over the health of children as Delhi AQI in the ‘severe’ range is back again. With pollution levels posing danger to every school child among them which a pregnant woman’s lungs cannot withstand, there is increased concern from parents, teachers, and school authorities regarding the effect on the pupils. So far, the authorities have put in place certain measures such as the reduction of the time spent outdoors in schools and also advising parents to keep their children indoors as much as possible. Nevertheless, given the fact that the Delhi AQI is ‘severe’ again, these measures may not suffice, and the likelihood of resorting to temporary closures of schools is becoming more apparent. For parents, this presents an uneasy challenge since they have to deal with education as well as the health and safety of their children.

Smog Covers the Entire City Reducing Visibility

Air visibility of Delhi 

The increased levels of pollution most especially above the normal ‘severe’, the Air Quality Index in Delhi gives rise to consequences such as infeasible thickness of smog that has caused reduced visibility within the city. The haze enveloping Delhi has brought about major inconveniences especially in transport where both air and surface means of movement have been disrupted. This leaves drivers with an option of driving without adequate visibility and therefore prone to dangerous accidents. For bicycles and foot travel, moving about in the dense fog is not only discomforting but also poses a risk to safety. The city is wrapped in a grey blanket of fog and serves to paint a good picture of how bad the levels of pollution are within the city. Unless the Delhi AQI drops from the ‘severe’ range, the daily activities of the citizens of Delhi will be interrupted and the infrastructural arrangements of the city will be overworked.

Crop Residue Burning: The Problem of Northern India

Crop residue burning

Once more, a cause of ‘severe’ grapping air quality index in Delhi is the seasonal crop burning practiced in nearby states like Punjab and Haryana. This causes a respiratory hazard as every winter, farmers set fire to their stubble after harvest to prepare the field for the next crop season. This burning of wastes has detrimental consequences on the air quality of Delhi as the wind carries the smoke and the pollutants into the city. Even after the Government tried to provide measures against the stubble burning blackout by providing such machines with subsidies which are used to clean the residues without burning them, it is still a common practice. Hence, so long as crop burning is unabated, it will always be an important driver of the Delhi agglomeration's air quality index especially during winter months.

Executive Measures and Popular Reactions

The Delhi AQI is back in the ‘severe’ zone again, and both the government and members of the public are trying to act, albeit with mixed results. Some of the steps taken by the Delhi government include reducing the number of vehicles, adopting public transport, and even spraying water on the roads to curtail dust emanating from the surfaces. Such awareness campaigns are also advising the people to limit going out and use masks to safeguard themselves from the dangerous impurities of the air. Yet despite these initiatives, the Delhi AQI still lies within the extreme category indicating that clearer measures are called for. Many specialists are convinced that the solution to the problem of air pollution in Delhi will involve not only tougher laws but also their enforcement and the active involvement of the people.

The Psychological Implications of Pollution on Individuals

Psychological implications 

A ‘severe’ AQI reading in Delhi once again goes beyond just compromising the physical health of the residents; it also affects them psychologically. Prolonged inhalation of polemic air may cause one to experience elevated levels of tension, distress and powerlessness. Looking outside, many residents of Delhi feel sad and worried because of the dangerous level of air pollution and the risks it poses to their health. They even worry their children might be affected in the future, yet adults have to work and commute even in environments that are unhealthy. The additional effect of dealing with polluted conditions is another factor that worsens the air quality problem in the city, thus making it imperative to seek for more permanent measures to clean up the AQI in Delhi.

Everyone is pleading for immediate cures that can be put in place permanently to the air pollution problem beguiling Delhi.

Air pollution problem 

As the ever increasing levels of the Delhi AQI in the ‘very bad’ range demonstrates, pollution associated concerns are on the rise and environmentalists with other people who care are looking for solutions that are more long term. Short term solutions such as closure of schools and spraying of water on the roads may work to alleviate the effects of the pollution, however they do not go to the cause of the problem. A large number of the experts recommend making these smarter solutions, which include generation of clean and efficient energy, better handling of waste and reducing the permissible levels of industrial emissions. Also more cooperation at regional level is necessary in dealing with problems such as taking care of crop burning and other pollution sources which are more or less internal. While the Delhi AQI is still in the range classified as ‘very bad’, there seems to be a growing opinion that unless drastic, structural, changes are put in place, pollution levels within the city will remain high.

Raising Public Sensitization and Participation

Public participation 

As the Delhi AQI returns to the ‘severe’ category, one more time, awareness and participation of the public becomes of great importance. Even though the community has limitations that come with the advice of ‘do not travel’ against the pollution, there are ways each and every individual can reduce his or her contribution to the pollution such as reducing the use of cars, saving electricity, and following government directives among others. In addition, heightened public engagement may create demand on the government to include the aspect of air quality in their policies. Occasional seminars and workshops are conducted among the members of society which seeks to educate them on the dangers of air pollution and why it is necessary to support tougher measures. In the daunting levels of Delhi AQI, individual responsibility becomes an essential tool in demanding desirable health policies.

Looking ahead, are the pollution problems plaguing Delhi surmountable?

Pollution problem plaguing 

The recurrent classification of the Delhi AQI as ‘severe on the contrary puts air quality in the city under a dark cloud of uncertainty. Even if the present circumstances are bleak, it is possible that with continued commitment, Delhi will be able to transform its pollution levels over a period of time. Recent strategies such as the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) have raised hopes in many quarters, but they need to be supplemented with other more enduring strategies. Resolving this issue calls for greater engagement not just from the government and industries but also from the people of Delhi. As the season of poor air quality once again takes a toll on the city, Delhi finds itself at a turning point. The measures taken now will decide if the coming generations will continue grappling with the same problems or will enjoy a much cleaner and healthier Delhi.


Yet again, Delhi AQI falling in ‘severe’ range is a blatant call of nature’s wrath faced by the masses living in the city. A situation where there is a lot of fog, poor visibility, and even potential closing of schools paints a very disturbing picture. Nevertheless, with more awareness, a sense of responsibility, and some changes introduced such as those of a structural nature, it is possible for the population of Delhi to overcome this environmental challenge. This will not be easy, but oftentimes what is beneficial comes with a price, and this is one of such times, for the sake of every current and forthcoming inhabitant of Delhi.

Quarries related to topic :

Question 1:Why again is the AQI level reported in Delhi 'severe'?

Answer : The AQI reported in Delhi is in the ‘severe’ category once more owing to the vehicular emissions, industrial waste, and the seasonal practice of burning crop residues in neighbouring states. To add to these, this period is also associated with winter weather patterns which are prevalent at this time, hence holding these pollutants posing great risk to the air quality of the city.

Question 2: In what ways does the AQI in Delhi which falls under the ‘severe’ level pose a health risk? 

Answers: In Delhi, such a high AQI level contributes negatively to one’s health and wellbeing. This is notably even more so with children, the elderly and people with underlying respiratory issues. Breathing in such ill-fated air may cause shortness of breathing, enhance asthma attacks, heart issues and longterm scarring of the lungs.

Question 3: What actions are being put in place as Delhi AQI in ‘severe’ range limits visual scope? 

Answer: Since the AQI level of Delhi is in the ‘severe ‘ range affecting eye sight, the government has restricted the use of vehicles, directed people to stay indoors and decided to suspend learning institutions from operating. Also, water sprinkling is done on the roads to reduce dust and instances of smog.

Question 4: To what extent does crop burning impact the AQI of Delhi when it falls under the severe category?

Answer: Burning crops in Punjab and Haryana is one of the primary reasons due to which Delhi AQI reaches the ‘severe’ category. Winds carry the smoke from the fires into Delhi, thus contributing to already polluted levels of the city and causing a lot of smog and fog, making the air very dirty.

Question 5: Will there be school closures as the Range of Delhi AQI keeps rising to ‘severe’ levels?

Answer: Yes, school closures are being deliberated on since the level of the Delhi AQI still puts it in the ‘severe’ category. It is well known that excessive pollution in the air for long periods is dangerous for children; hence, the authorities may opt to close the schools temporarily to avoid keeping the kids outside during such extreme air conditions.

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